Covid-19 Vaccine Information by State
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Healthcare providers
- Nursing home residents
- Law enforcement officers
- Firefighters
- Persons age 75 and older
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- People 65 years and above
- People 50 years and above who have high-risk medical conditions
- People 50 years and above who must work within 6 feet of others as an essential worker
- PreK-12 Education and Childcare staff
- People living or working in congregate settings
- Long term care facility staff and residents
- Hospital-based frontline health care workers and hospital personnel
- Frontline EMS and Fire Service personnel providing medical services
- Community Health Aides/Practitioners
- Pandemic response staff who may come into contact with the SARS-CoV-2 virus during outbreak response activities.
- Health care workers providing COVID vaccinations
- Workers in health care settings who make patient contact
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Healthcare and EMS workers
- Long-term care facility residents & staff
- Adults 65 and Older
- K-12 Teachers and Staff
- Childcare workers
- Law Enforcement/Protective Services Workers
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- 65 or older
- Those who work in education including K-12, child care and higher education
- Health care workers
- Residents and staff at long-term care facilities
- EMS, fire and law enforcement who serve as first responders
- Primary care, urgent care, college/university student health center, K-12 health clinics and school nurses
- Dental clinics, pharmacies, home health, private care/personal care, hospice care, dialysis centers, correctional staff involved in patient care and transfer
- Morticians/funeral home staff involved in direct contact or conducting transports and blood donation centers
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Healthcare workers
- Long-term care residents
- Individuals 65 and older
- Sector populations:
- Agriculture and food
- Education and childcare
- Emergency services
- Beginning March 15, healthcare providers may use their clinical judgement to vaccinate individuals aged 16-64 who are high risk
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- People age 60 or older
- Frontline essential agricultural and grocery store workers
- People age age 16-59 with two or more high risk conditions
- Highest risk health care workers and individuals
- Moderate risk healthcare workers and first responders
- PK-12 educators
- Child care workers in licensed child care programs
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Healthcare personnel
- Medical first responders
- Long-term care facility residents and staff
- Individuals 65 years and older
- Educators and childcare providers
- Individuals 55-64 years old
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Healthcare personnel
- Long-term care residents/staff
- People 65 of age and older
- Frontline essential workers including fire, police, and correctional officers
- Teachers and education staff
- U.S. postal workers, food manufacturing, agriculture, transportation, and grocery store workers
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- 65 years of age and older
- Health care personnel with direct patient contact
- Residents and staff of long-term care facilities
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Healthcare workers
- Residents and staff of long-term care facilities
- Adults aged 65 and older
- Law enforcement, firefighters, first responders
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- 75 years and older
- Medical personnel and essential frontline workers like first responders, educators, public transit workers, food production, grocery store workers will be contacted by their employers to schedule their covid-19 vaccination
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- People 65 years and above
- Healthcare personnel
- Child and protective services workers
- People who work in contact with the public
- Funeral home workers
- Correctional and detention center staff
- Home care providers, hospital staff essential workers
- PK-12 educators
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Healthcare personnel
- Residents of long-term care facilities
- Persons aged 65 or older
- Non-healthcare frontline essential workers
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Healthcare personnel
- Residents of long-term care facilities
- Persons aged 65 or older
- Non-healthcare frontline essential workers
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- People 65 and older
- First responders
- PK-12 school staff and educators
- Food agriculture workers
- Individuals with disabilities living in home settings
- Staff of and individuals living in group homes
- Government officials
- Inspectors of hospitals
- Long-term care facilities
- Child safety, correctional facility staff and individuals incarcerated
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Healthcare workers
- Residents or patients in Longterm care (LTC),
senior housing or LTC-supported independent living - Workers critical to pandemic response continuity
- Aged 16-64 with severe medical risks
- Persons Aged 65+
- Congregate settings
- High-contact critical workers
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Long term care facilities
- Assisted living facilities
- Health care personnel
- First responder
- Kentucky K-12 school personnel
- Kentucky child care workers
- Anyone age 60 or older
- Anyone age 16 or older with CDC highest risk C19 risk conditions
- All essential workers
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Persons 65 and older
- Dialysis providers and patients
- Ambulatory and outpatient providers and staff
- Home care providers
- American Sign Language (ASL) and foreign language interpreters and Support Service Providers (SSPs) working in community and clinic-based settings
- Clients who are both deaf and blind, health-related personnel, Pregnant people, teachers and any other support staff working on site in K-12 or daycare
- Individuals ages 55-64 with an increased risk of severe illness from the virus that causes COVID-19
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- 70 and older
- Adults with high-risk medical conditions
- Critical frontline workers
- Health care, public safety, and critical COVID-19 infrastructure personnel should contact their employer or their professional associations to learn how to get a vaccine
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- All licensed, registered and certified health care providers
- Front line hospital staff
- Nursing home residents and staff
- Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
- Assisted living, independent living, behavioral health and developmentally disabled group homes, and other congregate facilities
- Law enforcement and firefighters, EMS
- Education staff, including K-12 teachers, support staff and daycare providers
- Correctional health care staff and officers
- Public safety workers not covered in Phase 1A
- Health care workers not covered in Phase 1A, including but not limited to lab services, public health, vaccine manufacturing and other health care professions
- Front line judiciary staff
- Continuity of government
- Food/agriculture production, critical manufacturing
- U.S. Postal Service, public mass transit, grocery store employees
- Veterinarians and support staff
- Clergy and other essential support for houses of worship
- Adults age 65 and older
- Individuals who are currently receiving hospital-based treatment, including in hospital outpatient centers, AND diagnosed with at least one of the following conditions:
- Cancer patients who are currently in active treatment
- End stage renal disease patients requiring hemodialysis
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Solid organ transplant recipients
- Sickle cell disease patients
- Diabetic patients (Type 1 and Type 2)
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- People 65 and over
- People with more than 2 underlying conditions
- Healthcare workers
- First responders
- Low-income and affordable senior housing residents and staff Long-term care settings, congregate care settings
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- 65 and older
- Essential workers including school and child care staff
- Frontline responders, and corrections staff
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Adults age 65 and older
- Educators (pre-kindergarten through grade 12), school staff, and child care workers.
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Staff and employees in K-12 preschool or childcare settings
- Law enforcement, public safety, fire services and emergency management officials
- Adults aged 65 and older
- Anyone 16 to 64 years old with a chronic health condition that may put them at higher risk from COVID-19
- Qualifying health conditions:
- Cancer Chronic kidney disease
- COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
- Down Syndrome
- Heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies
- Immunocompromised state (weakened immune system) from solid organ transplant
- Obesity (body mass index [BMI] of 30 kg/m2 or higher but less than 40 kg/m2)
- Severe Obesity (BMI 40 kg/m2 or higher)
- Pregnancy
- Sickle cell disease
- Smoking
- Diabetes
- Or other medical conditions as determined by your medical provider
- Long-term care facility residents and staff
- Healthcare personnel and EMT/paramedics
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Public Health Administrators and Staff
- Law Enforcement
- Fire Services
- Corrections
- Emergency Management
- Public Works
- Emergency Services
- Anyone 65 and older
- Any adults with:
- Cancer
- Chronic Kidney Disease
- Heart Conditions
- Weakened immune system due to organ transplant
- Severe obesity (BMI >40)
- Pregnancy
- Sickle Cell Disease
- Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities such as Down Syndrome
- Education (K-12)
- Childcare
- Communications Infrastructure
- Dams Sector
- Energy Sector
- Food & Agriculture Sector 1
- Government
- Information Technology
- Nuclear Reactor Sector
- Transportation Systems
- Water and Wastewater Systems
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Frontline healthcare workers
- Long-term care and assisted care living facilities
- Healthcare workers with direct patient contact or virus exposure
- People aged 70 and over
- American Indians and other people of color at elevated risk for COVID-19 complications
- Persons age 16-69 with high-risk medical condition
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Adults 65 and older
- Certain frontline workers like teachers and first responders
- Health care workers and residents and staff of nursing homes and assisted living facilities
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Health Care Workforce and Support
- Public Safety and Security, including first responders
- Essential Airport Operations
- Resort/Casino Security Staff
- Continuity of Governance
- Grocery Store Workers
COVID-19 Response Website
New Hampshire
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- At-risk health workers
- Residents of long-term care facilities and first responders
- Persons ≥65
- The medically vulnerable
- Intellectual and developmental disability residential facilities
- Correctional facility staff
- Remaining health workers and first responders
- Phase 2a includes at-risk staff who work in New Hampshire K-12 schools, licensed childcare facilities, and licensed youth camps
- Phase 2b includes persons 50 – 64 years of age
COVID-19 Response Website
New Jersey
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Paid and unpaid healthcare workers
- Residents and workers of long-term care and high-risk congregate care facilities
- First responders including sworn law enforcement and fire professionals
- Individuals aged over 65
- Individuals aged 16-64 that have certain medical conditions that increase the risk of severe illness from the virus
Beginning March 15th, the following groups will be eligible to book vaccine appointments:
- Pre-K to 12 educators and staff
- Childcare workers
- Transportation workers
- Additional public safety workers
- Additional high-risk individuals
COVID-19 Response Website
New Mexico
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Hospital personnel
- Residents and staff of long-term care facilities
- Medical first responders
- Congregate setting workers
- Persons providing direct medical care and other in-person services
- Home-based health care and hospice workers
- People 75+
- People 16+ at risk of COVID complications
COVID-19 Response Website
New York
Who Qualifies Right Now?
Very extensive list can be found at this link.
COVID-19 Response Website
North Carolina
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Health care workers
- Long-term care staff and residents
- Anyone 65 years or older, regardless of health status or living situation
COVID-19 Response Website
North Dakota
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Health care workers in direct contact with COVID-19
- First responders
- Long-term care residents and staff
- Persons age 75 and older
- Persons age 65 – 74 with two or more high-risk medical conditions
- Staff and persons living in other congregate settings (i.e., corrections, group homes, treatment centers, homeless shelters, etc.)
- Persons age 65 and older with one or more high-risk medical conditions
- Persons age 65 and older with or without high-risk medical conditions
- Child care workers
- Workers employed by preschools or Kindergarten through 12th grade: Teachers, nutritional services, aides, bus drivers, principals, administrative staff, custodians, etc.
- National Guard, not previously covered
- Workers enabling access to human food (i.e., grocery workers), not including restaurant workers
- Public safety answering points (911)
- Manufacturing related to the development or supply of COVID-19 vaccine
- Other healthcare/public health workers not included in phase 1A
- Free standing clinical laundries
- Public transit, including bus, taxi, ride-share
- Persons 16 years of age or older with one or more high-risk medical conditions
- Blood bank workers not previously vaccinated
- Information Technology
- All other essential workers per Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Healthcare workers and personnel who are routinely involved in the care of COVID-19 patients
- Residents and staff in nursing homes
- Residents and staff in assisted living facilities
- Patients and staff at state psychiatric hospitals
- People with developmental disabilities and those with mental health disorders, including substance use disorders, who live in group homes, residential facilities, or centers, and staff at those locations
- Residents and staff at our two state-run homes for Ohio veterans
- EMS responders
- Adults/employees in K-12 schools that want to go back, or to remain, educating in person
- Ohioans, age 65 and up
- Ohioans born with or who have early childhood conditions that are carried into adulthood which put them at a higher risk for adverse outcomes due to COVID-19
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Healthcare workers including expanded healthcare worker groups such as allied health fields and general outpatient health service (i.e. behavioral health, dentists)
- First responders
- Oklahomans age 65+
- Oklahomans under age 65 with comorbidities
- Teachers and staff in PreK-12 schools
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
Extensive list can be found at this link.
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Long-term care facility residents
- Health care personnel including, but not limited to:
- Emergency medical service personnel
- Nurses
- Nursing assistants
- Physicians
- Dentists
- Dental hygienists
- Chiropractors
- Therapists
- Phlebotomists
- Pharmacists
- Technicians
- Pharmacy technicians
- Health professions students and trainees
- Direct support professionals
- Clinical personnel in school settings or correctional facilities
- Contractual HCP not directly employed by the health care facility
- Persons not directly involved in patient care but potentially exposed to infectious material that can transmit disease among or from health care personnel and patients
- Persons ages 65 and older
- Persons ages 16-64 with high-risk conditions:
- Cancer
- Chronic kidney disease
- Down Syndrome
- Heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies
- Immunocompromised state (weakened immune system) from solid organ transplant or from blood or bone marrow transplant, immune deficiencies, HIV, use of corticosteroids, or use of other immune weakening medicines
- Obesity (body mass index [BMI] of 30 kg/m2 or higher but < 40 kg/m2)
- Severe Obesity (BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2)
- Pregnancy
- Sickle cell disease
- Smoking
- Type 2 diabetes mellitus
COVID-19 Response Website
Rhode Island
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Healthcare workers
- First responders
- Congregate settings
- People 75 years old and older
COVID-19 Response Website
South Carolina
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Healthcare providers
- Nursing home residents
- Law enforcement officers
- Firefighters
- Persons age 75 and older
COVID-19 Response Website
South Dakota
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Frontline Healthcare Workers (working in an emergency department, ICU, COVID unit, or general acute care)
- Long-Term Care Facility Healthcare Workers, long-term care residents
- Other healthcare workers including laboratory and clinic staff
- Public Health Workers
- Emergency Medical Services
- Law Enforcement
- Correctional Officers
- Persons Aged 65 Years and Older
- High Risk Patients – dialysis,
post-transplant, and active cancer - High Risk Residents in Congregate Settings, Residents in Licensed Independent Living Facilities, and Residents of Licensed Group Homes
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Inpatient health care workers
- All other health care workers
- Other health care workers with high-risk exposure to COVID-19
- Funeral home and mortuary service workers
- Residents and staff members of long-term health care facilities
- People age 18 and over who are not able to live independently due to health care conditions or developmental or intellectual disability
- First responders
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Front-line healthcare workers and residents at long-term care facilities
- People 65+ or people 16+ with a health condition that increases risk of severe COVID‑19 illness, including but not limited to:
- Cancer
- Chronic kidney disease
- COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
- Down Syndrome
- Heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies
- Organ transplantation
- Obesity
- Pregnancy
- Sickle cell disease
- Type 2 diabetes
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Healthcare workers
- Long-term care facility staff and residents
- First responders
- Ages 65 and older
- K-12 teachers and school staff
- Ages 16 and older with certain underlying medical conditions
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Long-term care facility residents
- Health care personnel
- K-12 teachers and onsite staff
- Childcare, and expanded public safety
- People 65 and up
- People 55 and up with high-risk conditions
- Inviduals 16 and up with certain high-risk conditions
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Healthcare personnel
- Residents of long-term care facilities, persons aged 65 or older
- Non-healthcare frontline essential workers
- People ages 16-64 with underlying conditions
- People living in congregated areas
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- High-risk healthcare workers in health care settings
- High-risk first responders
- Long-term care facility residents
- All other workers at risk in health care settings
- All people 65 years or older
- All people 50 years or older in multigenerational households (home where individuals from 2 or more generations reside such as an elder and a grandchild)
- High-risk critical workers 50 years or older who work in certain congregate settings:
- Agriculture; food processing
- Grocery stores
- K-12(educators & staff)
- Childcare
- Corrections; prisons, jails or detention centers
- Public transit
- Fire
- Law enforcement
COVID-19 Response Website
Washington D.C.
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Long Term Care Residents
- Healthcare Personnel (including
veterinary medicine) - Fire & Emergency Medical Personnel
- Frontline Public Health Workers
- DC Residents age 65 years and older
- Congregate Settings
- Correctional Officers
- Staff working in Congregate Settings
- Non-healthcare personnel supporting operations of COVID-19 vaccination clinics
- Correctional Facilities and Detention centers
- Law Enforcement/Public Safety
- All staff working in K-12 educational facilities
- All staff working in child care facilities
- All staff working in grocery stores
COVID-19 Response Website
West Virginia
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- People 65 years and older
- Frontline workers
- Teachers age 50 and older
- Healthcare workers
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Frontline healthcare personnel
- Residents of long-term care facilities
- Law enforcment and first responders
- Adults age 65 and older
- Educators including child care
- Individuals enrolled in Medicaid long-term care programs
- Public facing essential workers
- Non-frontline health care workers
- People in congregate living facilities
COVID-19 Response Website
Who Qualifies Right Now?
- Healthcare providers, first responders
- Long-term care facility staff and others at high risk for exposure to COVID-19
- Frontline essential workers
- Individuals 65 and over
- Individuals with certain medical conditions
- Homeless individuals
- People living in congregate setting