is a comprehensive policy platform generated from the 2023 Black Census and supplemental focus groups.



The Black Economic Agenda is a series of policy solutions for each area where we see the most pressing needs, based on what Black Census respondents shared, and where there is potential for immediate impact on people’s lives. For this agenda we focus on state solutions that governors and legislatures can use to help improve the conditions for Black people in their states.

The Black Economic Agenda, created for us and by us, urges elected officials and governments to make Black people powerful in the economy and in our communities by policies in the following areas:

  • Wages and Worker Protections: Livable wages and workplace protections
  • Thriving Communities: Policies that impact not only how Black people live, but also their quality of life
  • Budget and Taxes: How states raise tax dollars and invest them impacts our communities 

One clear take away from the Black Census and the history outlined in this Agenda is that economic constraints on Black people cannot be fully disentangled from each other. Addressing one without considering the others ignores the reality of how we live, raise families, and thrive. Addressing one without the other also ignores how poverty is created and maintained. While we group the issues identified from the Black Census into themes, we know that all of these issues must be addressed holistically in order to make and sustain change.