Park Cannon
Black to the Future Action Fund is ecstatic to announce our endorsement of Representative Park Cannon for Georgia’s 58th district! Representative Cannon is running for re-election after having won in 2016, when she became the first openly queer-identified elected official in any state house at the age of 24.
Representative Cannon is a progressive leader that believes in her state and the promise of this country. She is a fighter for our communities and committed to securing the things that we need and deserve.
“I deeply believe in a representative democracy. Which is why I am an activist-elected official — not a politician.”
– Representative Park Cannon
Dr. Shirley Weber
Dr. Shirley Weber became the first Black Secretary of State in California history when she was selected by Governor Gavin Newsom, and confirmed by the state legislature, to fill the position in 2021. A California resident since the age of three, her family’s experience before moving to the state has been a driving force in Dr. Weber’s activism and legislative career.
As the daughter of sharecroppers from Jim Crow Arkansas, Dr. Weber saw her parents realize their right to vote for the first time when they were in their 30s, and only after moving their family west. Their experiences motivated her to fight for preserving and expanding voting rights for all Americans. Through her work as an educator and legislator, Dr. Weber has been a tireless advocate for and a true champion of our communities. We are proud to endorse her for Secretary of State of California.
“I believe it is my responsibility to strengthen voter education efforts, increase transparency at every level of the electoral system, and continue to expand access to the ballot for all Californians. The workings of our elections and state government should be transparent, visible, and accessible to all.”
– Dr. Shirley Weber
Nikema Williams
Congresswoman Nikema Williams is running for re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives fighting for Georgia’s 5th Congressional District, and we here at Black to the Future Action Fund are proud to endorse her campaign!
Rep. Williams’ vision for our families is clear: economic dignity and equal opportunities to prosper. As a mother and one of the few Black women in Congress, she has a unique understanding of what is at stake for Black Futures in America. She promises to fight for safety and quality public education for all children in her district and to ensure equal access to quality healthcare for Georgia families.
“My political philosophy is to center the most marginalized in all I do. I always ask the question about equity and make sure that those around me have to consider it. Living out loud and on purpose, fighting for the promise of America.”
-Congresswoman Nikema Williams
Endorsement Process
If you are interested in learning more about our endorsement process please contact our Political Department at kristin@black2thefuture.org.
Past Endorsements

Nikema Williams
U.S. House of Representatives, Georgia’s 5th Congressional District

Elizabeth Warren
Democratic Candidate for President of the United States of America

Stacey Abrams
Gubernatorial Candidate for the State of Georgia

Cara McClure
Alabama Public Service Commission Place 1 Candidate

Cat Brooks
Oakland, California Mayoral Candidate

Lucy McBath
U.S House of Representatives, Georgia’s 6th Congressional District

Andrew Gillum
Gubernatorial Candidate for the State of Florida

Ilhan Omar
U.S. House of Representatives, Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District